Alchemist Kits
Starter Kit
The starter kit is an excellent way to sample our mediums and also experience their ability when used together to apply multiple layers of paint wet-into-wet in as little as one or two settings.
For detailed information concerning the individual mediums making up this kit please see their respective descriptions below.
When ordering the Starter Kit a complimentary instruction booklet is included. This booklet includes a Step-by-Step example by the renowned American painter whereby Sir Anthony Van Dyck’s “Portrait of Cornelius Van Der Geest” is painted in four stages.
Alchemist Mediums contain no driers, are solvent free and are all natural.
Kit price: €135.00 No VAT charged
Starter Kit includes the following:
2 bottles of Oil of Delft ® Linseed Painting Medium (60ml) 1 bottle of Amber Varnish Linseed Clear (60ml) 1 bottle of Larch Balsam (60ml), 2 mixing bottles
no driers
no solvents
all natural
Alchemist Kits
Painting and Grinding Medium Kit
Based on a recipe by Sir Anthony van Dyck as listed in the 17th century De Mayerne B.M. Sloane 2052 MS page 153.
It is designed to be mixed with tube paints or freshly ground colors in order to make them set up and gel and if used on a non-absorbent surface will create a drag on your brush. Unlike the other mediums offered by Alchemist®, the Painting and Grinding Medium is not designed to grind powdered pigments in. It should be used sparingly in the dead colors or lower layers of your painting. The Painting and Grinding Medium Kit is designed to be used as a substitute for the use of modern day solvents like spirits of turpentine and petroleum distillates used for painting and thinning oil paints, the use of which often causes paint films to run and bleed. When used in conjunction with our various amber and non-amber based media, due to its unique ability to suspend various paint layers at once, artists will be able to apply many layers of wet paint in a vertical position often in as little as one or two setting without these various wet layers of paint running or bleeding together. All of this can be accomplished without having to wait for each individual layer to first dry before proceeding to apply additional layers. These benefits can be obtained without the use of metal-based driers or jelly-like media which often contribute to the lowering in tone and lack of permanence in the life of a painting.
Alchemist Larch Balsam contains no driers, is solvent free and is all natural.
Kit Price: €24.00 No VAT charged
Painting and Grinding Medium Kit includes the following:
1 bottle of Larch Balsam (60ml), 1 bottle to mix the the Painting and Grinding medium with a solvent or spike of lavender
no driers
no solvents
all natural
Amber Varnishes
Note to our customers:
Our amber varnishes smell of succinic acid. The clear sign of a genuine amber varnish is the smell of succinic acid that occurs during the fusing of the amber resin into the drying oil with great heat.
Amber Varnish
Linseed Clear
Based on the traditional 15th century Flemish recipe for Amber Varnish in the Johan DeKetham Manuscript, British Museum, Sloane 345.
A specially formulated, high concentration of dissolved amber resin in linseed oil for use as a general painting medium. Especially designed for mixing with light colored pigments or tube paints. When dry, amber varnish is impervious to common solvents, preserving the colors under a hard yet flexible lustrous surface. Colors applied with amber medium require no finishing varnish since they are encased in a resinous protection. There is no greater insurance of permanence than with the use of amber varnish, as attested to by the works of the Old Masters we so enjoy which are as vivid today as when they were first created. Artists using this medium will be able to reproduce in their paintings the transparency and depth found in the paintings of the Renaissance and Baroque era.
Alchemist Amber Varnish contains no driers, is solvent free and is all natural.
Price: 30ml: €45.00 60ml: €85.00 No VAT charged
(When thinned for use a 60 ml bottle will yield approximately 110 ml.)
Alchemist Mediums are made according to Old Master recipes and are slightly different than modern mediums. Carefully read the before use.
no driers
no solvents
all natural
(Not for use as instrument varnish.)
Amber Varnish
Linseed Dark
Based on the traditional 17th century recipe for Amber Varnish listed in the De Mayerne Manuscript, British Museum, Sloane 2052.
A high concentration of amber fused in linseed oil for use as a general painting medium or as a varnish for musical instruments. This varnish was described by the seventeenth century Italian oil painters, Orazio and Artemisia Gentileschi as having been used not only as a varnish for painting and for varnishing lutes. A second mention of this varnish is also listed in the De Mayerne Ms. as the true varnish for lutes and viols.
Alchemist Amber Varnish contains no driers, is solvent free and is all natural.
Price: 30ml: €45.00 60ml: €85.00 No VAT charged
(When thinned for use a 60 ml bottle will yield approximately 110 ml.)
Alchemist Mediums are made according to Old Master recipes and are slightly different than modern mediums. Carefully read the before use.
no driers
no solvents
all natural
(May also be used as instrument varnish.)
Amber Varnish
Walnut Clear
Based on the traditional 15th century Flemish recipe for Amber Varnish in the Johan DeKetham Manuscript, British Museum, Sloane 345 in which walnut oil has been substituted for linseed oil.
A specially formulated, high concentration of dissolved amber resin in walnut oil for use as a general painting medium. Especially designed for mixing light colored pigments or tube paints. When dry, amber varnish is impervious to common solvents, preserving the colors under a hard yet flexible lustrous surface. Colors applied with amber medium require no finishing varnish since they are encased in a resinous protection. There is no greater insurance of permanence than with the use of amber varnish, as attested to by the works of the Old Masters we so enjoy which are as vivid today as when they were first created. Artist using this medium will be able to reproduce in their paintings the transparency and depth found in the paintings of the Renaissance and Baroque era.
Alchemist Amber Varnish contains no driers, is solvent free and is all natural.
Price: 30ml: €45.00 60ml: €85.00 No VAT charged
(When thinned for use a 60 ml bottle will yield approximately 110 ml.)
Alchemist Mediums are made according to Old Master recipes and are slightly different than modern mediums. Carefully read the before use.
no driers
no solvents
all natural
When used as a painting medium. the addition of 2% drier, 6 drops for every 10ml of unthinned varnish, is recommended to aid in drying.
(Not for use as instrument varnish.)
Amber Varnish
Walnut Dark
Based on the traditional 17th century recipe for Amber Varnish listed in the De Mayerne Manuscript, British Museum, Sloane 2052.
A high concentration of amber fused in walnut oil for use as a general painting medium or as a varnish for musical instruments based on the traditional recipe for amber varnish found in the 17th century De Mayerne Ms., B.M. Sloane 2052. This varnish was described by the 17th century Italian oil painters, Orazio and Artemisia Gentileschi as having been used not only as a varnish for painting and for varnishing lutes. A second mention of this varnish is also listed in the De Mayerne Ms. as the true varnish for lutes and viols.
Alchemist Amber Varnish contains no driers, is solvent free and is all natural.
Price: 30ml: €45.00 60ml: €85.00 No VAT charged
(When thinned for use a 60 ml bottle will yield approximately 110 ml.)
Alchemist Mediums are made according to Old Master recipes and are slightly different than modern mediums. Carefully read the before use.
no driers
no solvents
all natural
(If used as painting medium, the addition of 2% drier, 6 drops for every 10ml of unthinned varnish, is recommended to aid in drying.)
(May also be used as instrument varnish.)
Amber Varnish
Poppy Clear
Based on the traditional 15th century Flemish recipe for Amber Varnish in the Johan DeKetham Manuscript, British Museum, Sloane 345 in which poppy oil has been substituted for linseed oil.

no driers
no solvents
all natural
When used as a painting medium. the addition of 2% drier, 6 drops for every 10ml of unthinned varnish, is recommended to aid in drying.
(Not for use as instrument varnish.)
A specially formulated, high concentration of dissolved amber resin in poppy oil for use as a general painting medium. Especially formulated for mixing light colored pigments or tube paints. When dry, amber varnish is impervious to common solvents, preserving the colors under a hard yet flexible lustrous surface. Colors applied with amber medium require no finishing varnish since they are encased in a resinous protection. There is no greater insurance of permanence than with the use of amber varnish, as attested to by the works of the Old Masters we so enjoy which are as vivid today as when they were first created. Artist using this medium will be able to reproduce in their paintings the transparency and depth found in the paintings of the Renaissance and Baroque era.
Alchemist Amber Varnish contains no driers, is solvent free and is all natural.
Price: 30ml: €45.00 60ml: €85.00 No VAT charged
(When thinned for use a 60 ml bottle will yield approximately 110 ml.)
Alchemist Mediums are made according to Old Master recipes and are slightly different than modern mediums. Carefully read the before use.
Oil of Delft®
Linseed Painting Medium
Based on Edward Norgate: “Miniatura or the Art of Limning” from 1627-28 and revised in 1648.
This medium is composed of a specially processed oil and is made without additions of synthetic resins, metal-based driers, or natural resins. Artists using this medium will be able to apply several layers of wet paint in a vertical position in one setting without having to wait for each layer to dry first. This medium used alone or in conjunction with any of our other amber and non-amber painting mediums, will allow artists to create the optical effects often associated with Renaissance and Baroque paintings in oil.
Oil of Delft contains no driers, is solvent free and is all natural. (Only available in 60ml)
Price: 60ml: €17.50
No VAT charged
(When thinned for use a 60 ml bottle will yield approximately 110 ml.)
Alchemist Mediums are made according to Old Master recipes and are slightly different than modern mediums. Carefully read the before use.

no driers
no solvents
all natural
Oil of Delft®
Walnut Painting Medium
Based on Edward Norgate: “Miniatura or the Art of Limning” from 1627-28 and revised in 1648.
This medium is composed of a specially processed oil and made without additions of synthetic resins, metal-based driers, or natural resins. Artists using this medium will be able to apply several layers of wet paint in a vertical position in one setting without having to wait for each layer to first dry. This medium used alone or in conjunction with any of our other amber and non-amber painting mediums, will allow artists to create the optical effects often associated with Renaissance and Baroque paintings in oil.
Oil of Delft contains no driers, is solvent free and is all natural. (Only available in 60ml)
Price: 60ml: €17.50 No VAT charged
(When thinned for use a 60 ml bottle will yield approximately 110 ml.)
Alchemist Mediums are made according to Old Master recipes and are slightly different than modern mediums. Carefully read the before use.

no driers
no solvents
all natural
(Use of 2% drier, or 6 drops for every 10ml unthinned medium, is recommended to aid in drying.)
Oil of Delft®
Linseed Painting Medium with Amber
Based on Edward Norgate: “Miniatura or the Art of Limning” from 1627-28 and revised in 1648.
This medium, based on our extensive research of 17th century manuscripts on the art of painting is made without additions of synthetic resins or metal-based dryers. Artists using this unique all around painting medium will have at their command not only the permanents and handling qualities of our Oil of Delft® linseed painting medium but will also be able to obtain the luminance and permanence in there paintings due to the presence of amber resins. Paintings done with this medium, when thoroughly dry, will not require the need for a final varnish due to the presence of amber resin in this painting medium. A great medium for artists wishing to explore the advantages of using amber resin and oil while painting.
Oil of Delft contains no driers, is solvent free and is all natural. (Only available in 60ml)
Price: 60ml: €40.00 No VAT charged
(When thinned for use a 60 ml bottle will yield approximately 110 ml.)
Alchemist Mediums are made according to Old Master recipes and are slightly different than moderne mediums. Read the before use

no driers
no solvents
all natural
(Not for use as final varnish.)
Oil of Delft®
Walnut Painting Medium with Amber
Based on Edward Norgate: “Miniatura or the Art of Limning” from 1627-28 and revised in 1648.
This medium, based on our extensive research of 17th century manuscripts on the art of painting is made without additions of synthetic resins or metal-based dryers. Artists using this unique all around painting medium will have at their command not only the permanence and handling qualities of our Oil of Delft® walnut painting medium but will also be able to obtain the luminance and permanence in there paintings due to the presence of amber resins. Paintings done with this medium, when thoroughly dry, will not require the need for a final varnish due to the presence of amber resin in this painting medium. A great medium for artists wishing to explore the advantages of using amber resin and oil while painting.
Oil of Delft contains no driers, is solvent free and is all natural. (Only available in 60ml)
Price: 60ml: €40.00 No VAT charged
(When thinned for use a 60 ml bottle will yield approximately 110 ml.)
Alchemist Mediums are made according to Old Master recipes and are slightly different than modern mediums. Carefully read the before use.

no driers
no solvents
all natural
(Not for use as final varnish. Use of 2% drier, or 6 drops for every 10ml unthinned medium, is recommended to aid in drying.)
Oil of Delft®
Sun-thickened French Walnut Oil
no driers
no solvents
all natural
Alchemist’s Oil of Delft Sun Thickened Walnut Oil is made exclusively by us in small controlled batches. In order to insure the highest quality our sun-thickened walnut oil is made from the finest French cold pressed oils.
Sun-thickened walnut oils have a long history of use by both oil and tempera painters. Our sun thickened walnut oil makes an excellent painting medium for use with tube or freshly ground colors.
Oil of Delft contains no driers, is solvent free and is all natural. (Only available in 60ml)
Note: Sun thickened walnut oil will dry slower than sun thickened linseed oils.
Price: 60ml: €22.50 No VAT charged
(When thinned for use a 60 ml bottle will yield approximately 110 ml.)
Alchemist Mediums are made according to Old Master recipes and are slightly different than modern mediums. Carefully read the before use.
Oil of Van Eyck®
Linseed Oil Painting Medium
Based on the 1654 writings of John Bate and on the observation of painting found in the early 15th century notes of Leonardo da Vinci.
no driers
no solvents
all natural
See paintings made with this medium here.
This medium is based on the 1654 writings of John Bate and on the observation of painting found in the early 15th century notes of Leonardo da Vinci. Suitable for use with tube oil colors or for mixing with powder pigments. Artist, both modern and academic, using this medium will be able to apply the thinnest of oil color glazes, layers of paint in addition to painting the finest of lines and details like those found in the early works of such Flemish masters as Jan van Eyck and Rogier van der Weyden.
Oil of Van Eyck contains no driers, is solvent free and is all natural. (Only available in 60 ml)
Price: 60ml: €21.50
No VAT charged
Alchemist Mediums are made according to Old Master recipes and are slightly different than modern mediums. Carefully read the before use.
Oil of Van Eyck®
Linseed Amber Oil Painting Medium

no driers
no solvents
all natural
See paintings made with this medium here.
This medium is a mixture of our Oil of Van Eyck linseed oil painting medium plus our amber varnish linseed oil clear. Suitable for use with oil tube colors or for mixing with powder pigments. Artist, both modern and academic, using this medium will be able to apply the thinnest of oil color glazes, layers of paint in addition to painting the finest of lines and details like those found in the early works of such Flemish masters as Jan van Eyck and Rogier van der Weyden.
Oil of Van Eyck contains no driers, is solvent free and is all natural. (Only available in 60 ml.)
Price: 60ml: €37.50
No VAT charged
Alchemist Mediums are made according to Old Master recipes and are slightly different than modern mediums. Carefully read the before use.
Baroque® Oil
Mastic Linseed Painting Medium
Based on the 16th century Marciana Manuscript, entitled, “Secreti Diversi”, Library of San Marco, Venice.
Specially formulated mastic drying oil painting medium based on recipe nr. 402, taken from the 16th century Marciana Ms., entitled, “Secreti Diversi”, located in the Library of San Marco in Venice, Italy. The recipes in this manuscript appear to have their origins in the cities of Rome and Florence and have been connected with artists associated with such Renaissance masters as Raphael and Andrea del Sarto. This medium is composed of specially processed oil and is made without solvents or driers.
Artists using this medium will be able to apply several strokes of wet paint over each other in one setting without having to wait for each layer to first dry and create the optical effect found on Renaissance and Baroque oil paintings.
Suitable for use with dried pigments, tube colors or for mixing with Alchemist Oil of Delft painting mediums.
Baroque Oil contains no driers, is solvent free and is all natural. (Only available in 60ml)
Price: 60ml: €40.00
No VAT charged
(When thinned for use a 60 ml bottle will yield approximately 110 ml.)
Alchemist Mediums are made according to Old Master recipes and are slightly different than modern mediums. Carefully read the before use.

no driers
no solvents
all natural
Baroque® Oil
Mastic Walnut Painting Medium
Based on the 16th century Marciana Manuscript, entitled, “Secreti Diversi”, Library of San Marco, Venice.
Specially formulated mastic drying oil painting medium based on recipe nr. 402, taken from the 16th century Marciana Ms., entitled, “Secreti Diversi”, located in the Library of San Marco in Venice, Italy. The recipes in this manuscript appear to have their origins in the cities of Rome and Florence and have been connected with artists associated with such Renaissance masters as Raphael and Andrea del Sarto. This medium is composed of specially processed oil and is made without solvents or driers.
Artists using this medium will be able to apply several strokes of wet paint over each other in one setting without having to wait for each layer to first dry and create the optical effect found on Renaissance and Baroque oil paintings.
Suitable for use with dried pigments, tube colors or for mixing with Alchemist Oil of Delft painting mediums.
Baroque Oil contains no driers, is solvent free and is all natural. (Only available in 60ml)
Price: 60ml: €40.00 No VAT charged
(When thinned for use a 60 ml bottle will yield approximately 110 ml.)
Alchemist Mediums are made according to Old Master recipes and are slightly different than modern mediums. Carefully read the before use.
no driers
no solvents
all natural
Drawing Chalk
Red Drawing Chalk - Sanguine
One of the most favored drawing mediums used by artists of the Renaissance and Baroque eras was natural red drawing chalks. The use of these chalks can be seen in the drawings of Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Rafael and numerous other artists of whose works required a medium capable of a broad range of linier and tonal effects. Red drawing chalk is a naturally occurring non-metamorphic rock.
In order for these chalks to be suitable enough for drawing purposes they need to be soft enough to draw extremely fine lines and details, and capable of being cut up from the raw stone, with a saw, into small pieces without crumbling or breaking.
The chalks sold by Alchemist® Mediums come from an iron mine and are available in size between 30 grams to more than 500 grams.
Price by weight, please see Shopping Cart for complete range.
No VAT charged.
(Small pieces of Alchemist Red Drawing Chalk, because of their heavy dense nature, will weigh considerably more than they appear in size. However, due to their superior quality small pieces of chalk will go a long way.)
All drawing chalk will be supplied with a set of instructions to aid in the preparation of this medium. Please carefully read the instructions before use.
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